Mohammed Ahmed
Country of Origin: Yemen
Date Arrived in London: 2013
Occupation: High School Student - St. Andre Bessette Catholic Secondary School
Why did you decide to settle in London? What do you like about London?
Canada has a great reputation for good education and my parents wanted to move here so I could go to school. I like London because it is not too crowded, has a nice environment, and its really
green. It is so pretty. You can take a walk to release stress or go by the river which is really calming. And I love the people inside London
too. They are very nice people and are open to all types of immigrants. Also, the winters were a new thing for me. Winter
was really fun at the beginning. Then I felt like it would last forever.
but I thought if it is going to last forever, I should at least make
the best of it so I got into snowboarding on a hill by my house. I like
to be productive with what i have.
How are you involved in the London community (employment, volunteering,
community organizations, etc.)?
I have joined a UN debate team and won the Lester B. Pearson advocacy
award and I am going to the next UN debate in King’s University College.
I was a part of the school’s cross country team. I am a volunteer for my
school as I helped build the set for the school play and I am planning to
apply for a summer job at Rona.
What message would you like to share with newcomers to London?
Go to sports tryouts. Teams are one of the best way to get involved. Also, dress
properly for the weather. It can go from hot to cold in no time.
What message would you like to share with the broader London community?
I came into London with an open heart and you accepted me and now I am one of
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