Hun-jong Ha
Country of Origin: South Korea
Date Arrived in London: June 2011
Occupation: Product Information Systems
Specialist - 3M Canada
Why did you decide to settle in London? What do you like about London?
I moved to London,
Ontario in June 2011. London is a city of opportunities to me. For the last three years, I have met so many good people in London who shared great knowledge and
experience in their profession. The networking chance from the developed London
economy brought me many wonderful career opportunities. It made the start of my
immigrant life much easier. I regard myself as a great successful immigrant
case brought about by London, such a strong community with help and support
dedicated to newcomers in Canada.
love London, the city of trees! Such a wonderful natural environment with great
people and career opportunities make me feel London as my second home. London
is a plan where I happily work, play and live with family.
How are you involved in the London community (employment, volunteering, community organizations, etc.)?
I am also a local photographer and I volunteer to take photos for non profits, families with a familiy member who has disabilities, and low income families. I have also worked for events such as the Alzheimer Society's Walk for Memories this year and Parkinson Society's SuperWalk in 2013.
What message would you like to share with newcomers to London?
We try to find our own communities. I found that its really helpful in the beginning, but in the long run we need to find out how to immerse ourselves in the Canadian community. We can utilize our home country community as a cushion. Relax there for a bit, but then figure out how to get involved in Canadian community.
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